Capes & Bedcoats

Capes and BedcoatsHelp your loved one stay warm and cozy . Capes and bed coats are a great accessory for those who need a little extra added warmth but are limited by traditional clothing.

Many of the capes we carry are wheelchair-friendly They are cut slightly higher in the back to avoid added bulk in a wheelchair. Hoods and pockets are great added features for function and style.

Geri Fashions' bedcoats and capes are available in a variety of colours and styles to ensure there is a product that will meet your unique needs. 

If you would like to learn about adaptive clothing and accessories, we recommend you read this educational article - What is Adaptive Clothing?

1 product
Adaptive Fleece Bedcoat
Adaptive Fleece Bedcoat

Adaptive Fleece Bedcoat

From $44.00

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